Premature Ventricular Contractions from Benign to Seriousness - A Narrative Updating Review
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Published: 20 August 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: Premature ventricular contractions are the most frequent cardiac arrhythmia with or without structural heart diseases. These common type of arrhythmia possess both benign and serious outcome. Premature ventricular contraction may be an independent predictor for either sudden or non-sudden death.
Objective: An exploring the clinical significance, type verification, recent management, and outcome of premature ventricular contraction in the patients were the purpose of this study.
Method of study: A narrative updating review was the study method in the current research.
Conclusions: Premature ventricular contraction may be benign and may be a serious arrhythmia. Early and rapid verification of premature ventricular contractions hurry avoidance of the serious outcome. Recent efficient use of nitroglycerin in many types of premature ventricular contractions make it for in front of future selection as an antiarrhythmic drug.
Keywords: Premature Ventricular Contraction, From Benign to Seriousness, PVC, Ectopics, Extraststole.

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How to Cite
Yasser Mohammed Hassanain Elsayed. (2019-08-20). "Premature Ventricular Contractions from Benign to Seriousness - A Narrative Updating Review." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-21