Archives of Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care

ISSN: 2638-5007 DOI Prefix: 10.22259/2638-5007
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Editorial Board

Dr. Xuesong Gao

Dr. Xuesong Gao

Associate Chief Physician, Department of General Medicine, Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University

Dr. Bogdan Pavel

Dr. Bogdan Pavel

Assistant Professor, Plastic, Reconstructive Surgery and Burns Emergency Hospital,, Bucharest

Dr. Sion Jo

Dr. Sion Jo

Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine,, Chonbuk National University Hospital

South Korea
Dr. Li Fei

Dr. Li Fei

Sport Medicine Fellow, , Hospital of Haerbin Medical University

Dr. Maroun Charbel Georges

Dr. Maroun Charbel Georges

Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta

Dr. Zhou Sheng

Dr. Zhou Sheng

Doctor, Department of Emergency Medicine,, Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital

Dr. Dube Adiele

Dr. Dube Adiele

Lecturer in Health Education , Southern Africa Nazarene University

Dr. Faten Limaiem

Dr. Faten Limaiem

Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, University Hospital
