Factors Affecting Satisfaction of Parents at Pediatric Emergency Department Admission
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Published: 26 June 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
Aim: The purpose of this study is; to reveal the demographic characteristics of the patients, to assess parental satisfaction and to establish the factors that affect parental satisfaction, and the reasons for which parents are satisfied or dissatisfied.
Material & Methods: A total of 186 patients who were admitted to Düzce University Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department between February 1st 2017 - April 1st 2017, and accepted to fill out the questionnaire were taken to the study.
Results: During the period of the study, 6110 patients were admitted to a pediatric emergency department. 186 patients were taken to the study. 42.5% (n=79) were male and 56.5% (n=105) were female and 12.8% (n=22) were in the neonatal period and 16.8% (n=31) were below 1 year of age, 47.3% (n=87) were between 1 and 6 years of age, 18.5% (n=34) were between 7 and 12 years of age and 5,4% (n=10) of the patients were observed between 13 and 18 years of age. 79% (n=147) were satisfied, 18% (n=35) were slightly satisfied and 2.1% (n=7) were not satisfied, when the general satisfaction of the parents with the pediatric emergency department was questioned. A statistically significant relationship was found between the parents’ general satisfaction and recommending to their relatives preferring to the pediatric emergency department. 86.4% of the parents (n=159) stated that they would prefer the pediatric emergency department again.
Conclusions: The pediatric emergency department provides continuous 24-hour service for the patients, and adherence to therapy depends on confidence from satisfaction. Level of physician’s medical knowledge, behaviors of healthcare staff, waiting time before the examination, access to the healthcare staff when needed, and satisfaction levels of the resulting time of laboratory and radiology surveys are important factors that affecting general satisfaction of the parents.
Keywords: Pediatric Emergency Department, Parental Satisfaction, Standby time, Doctor Medical Information.

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Muhammet Mesut Nezir Engn, Ramazan Cahit Temizkan, Merve Aslantas, Nursel Buyuk, Onder Kilicaslan, Yunus sengun, Kenan Kocabay,. (2018-06-26). "Factors Affecting Satisfaction of Parents at Pediatric Emergency Department Admission." *Volume 1*, 1, 38-44