Jewish Dialectics and Dialectic Theology in J.B. Soloveitchik's Writings: On the Crisis of the Modern Jewish Religiosity
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Published: 9 August 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
It is arguably held that modern enlightened values engendered a crisis for the modern homoreligiosus. The modern conception of rational faith induced a quandary for 20th century Jewish and Christian leaders alike. This paper examines the relations between the proponents of Dialectic Theology, Emil Brunner and Karl Barth, and their influence on Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik. In his attempt to reconcile the opinions of Jewish thinkers who embraced enlightened values with traditional Jewish conceptions of faith, Soloveitchik employed Christian-philosophical language to revalorize the traditional Jewish understanding of the homo religious. This paper proposes a reading of Soloveitchik's writings in light of the Dialectic Theology movement. It draws philosophical distinctions between shared usages of dialectics in Judaism and Christianity to solve religious dissent. Second, to reach an insight concerning boundaries between the two traditions. How does Judaism, represented here by the neo-orthodox leader Soloveitchik, manage religious-philosophical dissent differently from the dialectical theological thinkers, and share their propositions? Examining concepts employed by the Dialectic Theology movement, this paper considers the philosophical boundaries between Judaism and Christianity. One aspect of dealing with religious dissent resulting from modernity can be understood when examined through the lenses of one who, like Soloveitchik, is versed in philosophy and rabbinic teachings alike.
Keywords: Dialectic Theology, Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Neo-orthodoxy, Modern Jewish Thought, Philosophy of Religions.

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How to Cite
David Leitner Cohen. (2020-08-09). "Jewish Dialectics and Dialectic Theology in J.B. Soloveitchik's Writings: On the Crisis of the Modern Jewish Religiosity." *Volume 4*, 3, 9-18