Christian Perspective of Understanding the Divinity of God
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Published: 8 April 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
There are different kinds of people in the world and these people follow different religions. They worship different gods and goddesses. Some believe that God exists in many which is popularly known as polytheism while others especially the Christians, Muslims and Jews believe there exist only one god which is known as Monotheism. Muslims and Jews strongly identify God as monotheistic existing in single nature while the Christians who also believe in Monotheism understand the divinity of God in a different manner which is far distinctive to that of the belief of Muslims and Jews. Christians understand God to be three members in one single entity. The one entity emphasizes monotheism whereas the three members emphasizes trinitarianism. This trinitarianism finally led to the concept of the famous “Trinity”. The history and concept of trinity is briefly described in this article. Apart from this, the perspective of how Christianity sees and worship God is also described in this article.
Keywords: Trinity, Godhead, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, nature, Divinity, Transcendental, Hypostases, Homoousis, Omnipotent, Omniscient.

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How to Cite
Apostle Devaprasad. (2020-04-08). "Christian Perspective of Understanding the Divinity of God." *Volume 4*, 2, 1-5