Fight against Disease of the Body to Safe Guard the Spirit: An Evaluation of the Joint Anti-Leprosy Campaign of Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) and Governments in Sokoto Area of Northern Nigeria, 1919-1975

Author Details

Mukhtar Umar Bunza and Labbo Abdullahi

Journal Details


Published: 25 June 2019 | Article Type :


Leprosy is one of the dreadful diseases that are contagious and ghastly as well as stubborn and difficult to control. The disease has been prevalent in Nigeria for hundreds of years ago managed under traditional systems. However, modern control and prevention methods of leprosy disease began in the eastern part of Nigeria during British colonial administration of the area. Perhaps, the reason was that the region was believed to be the most endemic area of leprosy. The campaign was later extended to northern Nigeria in which the central Colonial Government, the Sudan Interior Mission (one of the strongest evangelical movement during colonial administration), and the Native Authorities made a joint effort to control and prevent the disease in the defunct Sokoto Province. This paper aims to examine the activities of the three bodies in the anti-leprosy campaign. As against somewhat general assumption, the paper shows the extent to which missionary anti-leprosy services was provided and appreciated in a predominantly Muslim community. It is discovered that Sudan Interior Mission in conjunction with the colonial and local authorities contributed significantly to the prevention and control of leprosy disease. This is with a view to create healthy bodies among the patients whose souls will be won for the Christ. While the Colonial government and the Native Authorities fought against the disease principally to safeguard the labor which their administrations needed most. This became the basis for the assumption that, common disease aimed to be eradicated for different goals but in harmony among the opposing actors.

Keywords: Sudan Interior Mission, Native Authorities, Leprosy Disease, Anti-leprosy Campaign and Sokoto Area.

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How to Cite


Mukhtar Umar Bunza and Labbo Abdullahi. (2019-06-25). "Fight against Disease of the Body to Safe Guard the Spirit: An Evaluation of the Joint Anti-Leprosy Campaign of Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) and Governments in Sokoto Area of Northern Nigeria, 1919-1975." *Volume 3*, 2, 57-65