Holy Places, Crosses Water, Light and Plant
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Published: 23 May 2017 | Article Type :Abstract
As a testimony to history, the Mithrai religion came from the land of Iran so in the corner of the world, and the people of the year were in the realm of the religions of the world, which even some divine religions used to promote the new beliefs and gain universal acceptance of the rites and ways of it, Into holy places (synagogues, churches, etc.) in the new religion. Such transformations were observed in the holy places of Iran frequently. Therefore, two accounts of the Imam Zadeh of Tehran are examined, all of which bear signs of ancient beliefs: All of them are located on the altitudes of the Holy Alborz Dynasty. In the event of all of these, the water element will be seen as creek, Qanat, river, spring or waterfall. The surroundings of this Bekaa are surrounded by old gardens and trees, and then people adhere to the sanctuary of the longstanding trees of the Imam Zadeh. Also, the practice of burning candles and gems like other Imam Zadeh is also common here. In addition, the validity of a related story to some of these Imam Zadeh is a doubt. Despite all these cases, the proof of this transformation requires archaeological explorations to reach the signs of envy and clearer reasons.
Keywords: Holy Places, Islam, Shia, Imam Zadegan EinAli Va zinAl

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How to Cite
Faeze Yazdanirostam. (2017-05-23). "Holy Places, Crosses Water, Light and Plant." *Volume 1*, 1, 65-68