Individual Freedom amidst Diversity: Moral Education, Democracy, and Virtues in the 21st Century

Author Details

Melissa Brevetti

Journal Details


Published: 15 February 2017 | Article Type :


As students develop their identities, they commonly grapple with the fundamental concept of how to use  their educational skills in virtuous ways. Meanwhile, teachers wrestle with the significant questions such as  “What is moral education? How should morality be taught amidst diversity?” This paper aims to seek  understanding on different approaches that school leaders use to develop citizens who are able to balance  their own sense of individual moral integrity against communal moral norms. Next, I deconstruct the notion  of moral education in 21st century schools. The act of indoctrination is also explored to offer examples of  this principle in relation to individual freedom. Moral education, thus construed, can find ways to respect  diversity and maintain individual freedom.

Keywords: Moral education, Democracy, Virtue Ethics, Citizenship, Social Justice.

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How to Cite


Melissa Brevetti. (2017-02-15). "Individual Freedom amidst Diversity: Moral Education, Democracy, and Virtues in the 21st Century." *Volume 1*, 1, 20-25