The Fall of the Sacred Feminine in Mahakavi Devkota's "to a Beautiful Prostitute"

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Tara Prasad Adhikari

Journal Details


Published: 3 January 2019 | Article Type :


The present paper explores how Mahakavi Devkota, in his poem titled „To a Beautiful Prostitute” exposes the divinity that dwells in womankind, even in a prostitute. In a very poetic way, he describes the beauty of a prostitute and tells us how much he once was infatuated to her. But at the same time, the speaker expresses his hatred to this prostitute for her immoral character and the lowly profession. In this sense, we can say that the speaker has a double vision i.e. he sees the beauty and the divinity in her and at the same time he sees the ugliness. To conclude, this poem by Devkota worships the sacred feminine and at the same time laments over its fall, especially relating it to the case of a beautiful prostitute.

Keywords: Femininity, Sacred Feminine, Prostitute, Mahakavi Devkota.

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How to Cite


Tara Prasad Adhikari. (2019-01-03). "The Fall of the Sacred Feminine in Mahakavi Devkota's "to a Beautiful Prostitute"." *Volume 3*, 1, 1-5