Contribution of Integrated Urban Agriculture to Household Income: A Case of Mgbirichi in Ohaji–Egbema Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria

Author Details

E. Ike, Ibe, P.C, Osuji, C.N

Journal Details


Published: 28 September 2020 | Article Type :


Urban farmers make efficient utilization of resources by integrating crop-livestock-fish subsectors to maximize accrued benefits. Thus this study specifically assessed the types of integrated urban agriculture mostly practiced by farmers, types of livelihood strategies adopted and at the same time with integrated urban agriculture and its contribution to total household income. Descriptive statistics employed to assess livelihood strategies prioritized by integrated urban farmers. The results show that integrated urban agriculture is the most prioritized livelihood strategy to urban farmers. Majority of urban farmers (98.5%) practising integrated farming concentrated on crop-livestock, while fish-livestock and crop livestock-fish integration adopted only by 0.75% each. This implies that, majority of urban farmers did not practice fish sub-sector. This study focused on income livelihood indicator; however, farmers can also, benefit from integrated agriculture through food security, social inclusion and ecology to mention some. This study also provides a comprehensive layout adopted by integrated urban farmers to benefit from the sub-sectors.

Keywords: Integrated Urban Agriculture, Livelihood Strategy, Income, Household.

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How to Cite


E. Ike, Ibe, P.C, Osuji, C.N. (2020-09-28). "Contribution of Integrated Urban Agriculture to Household Income: A Case of Mgbirichi in Ohaji–Egbema Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria." *Volume 4*, 3, 38-43