Nutritional Values, Anti-Nutritional Factors and Molar Ratio of Minerals to Anti-Nutrients of Plant-Based Yoghurt from Bambaranut, Soybean and Moringaoleifera Seed Milks

Author Details

Edith Ani, Bibiana Igbabul, Julius Ikya and Julius Amove

Journal Details


Published: 26 December 2019 | Article Type :


An evaluation into the quality characteristics of plant-based yoghurt from bambaranut, soy and moringa oleifera seed milks was carried out. Nutritional values, anti-nutritional factors and molar ratio ofminerals to anti-nutrients of the plant-based yoghurt were studied. The study revealed that the nutritional content of the plant-based yoghurtwas enhanced tremendously with increase in Moringa seed milk addition. There was significant increase (p<0.05) in the proximate and mineral composition of the product with increasing level of Moringa seed milk. The ash content ranged from 0.36 – 0.74, the control sample (716) (100% cow milk) recorded the highest value 0.74 % followed by sample 577 (50% Soymilk + 35% Bambaranut + 15% Moringa seed milk) and Sample 985 (35% Soymilk + 50% Bambaranut + 15% Moringa seed milk) both had 0.69 % as value of ash content. The protein content ranged from 3.25 – 3.99 % with samples 577 and 985 having the highest values of 3.99 % and 3.85 % respectively. The calcium content ranged from 152.47– 181.34 mg/ml, sample 985 has the highest value (181.34 mg/ml). Also potassium content ranged from 118.43-63-145.63 mg/ml, sample 577 recorded the highest value of Potassium (145.63 mg/ml). The antinutritional factors of these yoghurt products were significantly low; lectins ranged from 0.12-0.59 mg/100g, oxalate 0.16-0.62 mg/100g, phytate ranged from 2.37-8.78 mg/ml, saponins 0.86-3.75 mg/100g and tannins 1.11-3.53 mg/ml. Similarly, the molar ratios of minerals toanti-nutrient were below the critical values indicative of mineral bioavailability. The range is as follows: Phytate:Ca = 8.0x10-4 to 3.17x10- 3;Phytate:K = 1.12x10-3 to 3.62x10-3; Phytate:Mg = 6.44x10-3 to 2.10x10-2; Phytate:P = 9.33x10-4 to 3.66x10-3 and Oxalate:Ca = 4.07x10-4 to .85x10-3.

Keywords: plant-based yoghurt, bambara nut, moringa seed milk, soymilk.

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How to Cite


Edith Ani, Bibiana Igbabul, Julius Ikya and Julius Amove. (2019-12-26). "Nutritional Values, Anti-Nutritional Factors and Molar Ratio of Minerals to Anti-Nutrients of Plant-Based Yoghurt from Bambaranut, Soybean and Moringaoleifera Seed Milks." *Volume 3*, 4, 18-28