Proximate and Organoleptic Evaluation of 30% Defatted Coconut Flour Supplemented Bread

Author Details

Adeniran, O.Y.,Oyewale M.B, Aderibigbe E.O., Metibomu D.S, Ariyo O.J.

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Published: 21 August 2019 | Article Type :


Coconut is a valuable food resource, but its usage is limited as a result of poor storage properties of the fresh fruits. Therefore there is need for conversion into flour to provide a more stable storage form as well as increasing its versatility. The defatted coconut flour was processed from fresh coconut by dehusking, grating, deoiling, drying and blending, it was then supplemented into with wheat flour to produce the 30% coconut bread. Proximate analysis was carried out on the coconut flours and the breads samples; control, 30% defatted and non-defatted coconut flour bread. Panel table of ten was used for the organoleptic evaluation of the baked breads. The proximate analysis result showed an increase in the nutritive value of the coconut flour supplemented bread compared to the wheat bread, with protein content of the non-defatted coconut flour 11.01% to the 10.24% of the wheat bread; fiber content (0.99-0.2%), ash content (0.98- 0.78%), fat content (21.90-18.81) and a decrease in the moisture content (33.44-26.82%) with the addition of the coconut flour, hence prolonging the shelf life of the bread. The result obtained from the sensory evaluation, showed superior physical quality for the coconut flour supplemented bread compared to the wheat bread with the overall acceptability of 70% to the 30% of the wheat bread.

Keywords: Coconut flour, proximate analysis, organoleptic test, Supplemented bread, Wheat flour.

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Adeniran, O.Y.,Oyewale M.B, Aderibigbe E.O., Metibomu D.S, Ariyo O.J.. (2019-08-21). "Proximate and Organoleptic Evaluation of 30% Defatted Coconut Flour Supplemented Bread." *Volume 3*, 3, 6-14