Regeneration of the Dissected Genetic Code
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Published: 27 March 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Statement of the Problem
By the dissected genetic code, it is meant the true genetic code of 24 quadruplet codons, that as a captured specimen, underwent the gory experience of dissection in a single file. All the codons with all their belongings of RNA four bases A,U,G,C (Adenine, Uracil, Guanine, Cytosine) per codon got emptied consequently. The genetic code content of 96 base elements in four base types of A,U,G,C in a sequence of 24 codons is now cast up into eight dendritic mounds; four on each side of its axis and two of each base type under designations of purines and pyrimidines respectively because of dissection effected by dichotomization. Nevertheless, arrangement the embodiment of all things and circumstances volunteers to regenerate the dissected (divested) genetic code i.e. offering to restore the 24 permutation quadruplet codons.
Methodology and Theoretical Orientation
One quadruplet codon AGCU in the form of a square is sighted in two locations of the debris of the dissected (dichotomized) genetic code. This find is a boon to the regeneration mission by reason of the potency of the quadruplet codon whereby anyone of the 24 permutation quadruplet codons can be used as input set in the combinatorial input/output multiplicative replication system for generating the genetic code characterized by 4 from 4 permutation of RNA four bases, now that the square kinematics view mixing technique is available for use.
A genetic code of unique sequence of 24 permutation quadruplet codons is produced with the vestigial AGCU codons as input set and as the seed of life for the 24 quadruplet genetic code.
Conclusion and Significance
The genetic code derived from the vestigial AGCU codon is a worthy alternative of the dissected genetic code, in that given a common derivation technique the genetic code owes its uniqueness of sequence to the uniqueness of its input set sequence so that no two different quadruplet codons can produce a genetic code of identical sequence. This of course is in furtherance of the necessity for protein type proliferation and diversification.
Keywords: Vestigial, Codon Potency, Input Set, Output Sequence.

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How to Cite
W. B. Bozegha. (2020-03-27). "Regeneration of the Dissected Genetic Code." *Volume 4*, 1, 27-31