The Effect of Some Factors on Self-Care in Diabetic Patients: A Systematic Review
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Published: 1 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Introduction: Diabetes is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized and developing world. And due to its late and dangerous effects, it has paid more attention to it day by day. Improving selfcare behaviors is the first step in helping patients to take care of their illness. Diabetes self-care may be a function of individual, psychological, and social factors that their understanding and understanding will help health care providers to develop appropriate interventions to promote diabetes self-care behaviors. Given that diabetes is one of the serious global problems and self-care plays an important role in controlling it. Therefore, this systematic review study aimed at the effect of some factors on self-care in diabetic patients.
Materials and Methods: In this systematic review, in order to achieve the goal of the study and to improve the study's precision and its comprehensive understanding, this integrated overview study was conducted based on the Broome method. Broome's method is based on three stages of the search of texts, data evaluation and data analysis, so that in the search phase, the texts of post-retrospective studies are examined in terms of the criteria for entering the study in four stages and after obtaining entry conditions The content of the study is evaluated and the data is analyzed at the end.
Results: In this study, 12 articles were reviewed one of these studies aimed at determining the effect of Selfcare education through Teach Back method on self-care behaviors in type II diabetic patients, showed that after the intervention (91.4%) the patients in the experimental group had a good performance and (77.1%) the control group had a moderate performance regarding blood glucose control there was a significant difference between the two groups. Also, there was a significant difference between the total self-care score of the patients in the test group compared to the control group.
Conclusion: According to the results of studies and differences in some characteristics of the patient, Patients with different dimensions of self-care and knowledge require training in diabetes centers to be more practical and more emphasis on making changes in both knowledge and behavior, and improving attitude and self-efficacy in individuals. Also, according to the results of some studies, patients with diabetes had a poor self-care and this poor self-care every year imposes a lot of costs on affected people. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways to improve the self-care of these patients.
Keywords: Self-care, Diabetic patients, Diabetes.

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How to Cite
Mostafa Madmoli, Marzieh Abbaszade Aliabad, Mohammad Madmoli, Mahboobeh Khodadadi, Fahimeh Papi Ahmadi. (2019-03-01). "The Effect of Some Factors on Self-Care in Diabetic Patients: A Systematic Review." *Volume 3*, 1, 21-25