Biogas Generation using Cattle Rumen Contents
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Published: 25 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
This project work is focused on generation of biogas using cattle rumen contents as substrate, isolation microorganisms associated with the Generation of Biogas using the cattle rumen contents, evaluation the amount of biogas produced by the cattle rumen contents and to determine the variation in pH during biogas generation. Biogas digesters with capacity of 500g tins was designed and used. The substrate (cattle rumen contents) was in the ratio 2:1 with the water. The digesters were stirred thrice daily to avoid scum formation in the digesters and to allow for easy escape of the gas produced. The retention time used for this experiment was 56days during which the daily internal temperature reading was taken in order to determine temperature variation and also to determine the effect of sunlight on the production rate. Also microbial analysis, Biochemical Tests, Gram Staining and microscopy were carried out. Therefore the average weekly production of biogas are; day1-7(40.25cm3 ), day8-14(178.5cm3 ), day 15-21(386cm3 ), day22-28(333.75cm3 ), day29-35(219.75cm3 ), day36-42(212.25cm3 ), day43-49(198.75), day50-56(31.50). The result obtained from this study indicates that Bacillus species were the most common bacteria isolated and identified during the research, suggesting that the species plays a vital role in the microbial activities for the production of biogas. The study also revealed that Cattle rumen content has great potential for the generation of Biogas and produced large quantity of Biogas during 15-21days retention time.
Keywords: Abattoir, Biogas, Cattle rumen, Retention time, Birnin Kebbi

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How to Cite
Tambuwal. B.M, Baki. A. S, Bello. A. and Musa. A. R.. (2019-03-25). "Biogas Generation using Cattle Rumen Contents." *Volume 2*, 1, 58-66