Potential Microbial Ecology in Ethiopia and Exisitue Conservation Effort

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Birhanu Gizaw

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Published: 26 October 2018 | Article Type :


Microbs occupy majority of the biomass and biodiversity of life on the Earth. They play pivotal roles in all ecosystems in biogeochemical cycles and harbour novel genes and metabolites for several biotechnological applications in industry, medicine, agriculture, pharmaceutical and environmental sectors. Without microorganisms all life on earth would cease. The purpose of this review is to indicate ethiopian microbial nich and habitats potentials for exploration and strengthen existu conservation effort as well as future utilization in out manoeuvre microbial genetic resourcein different sector.Understanding major microbial ecology helps to designe microbial structural and functional diversity study associatedwith different habitates these are hyper extremophile environment, soil, rumenanimals, aquatic ecosystem, rhizospher, rhizoplan, phylospher and humanmicrobiotia helps to set priority and designe microbial conservation strategy.Inaddtion to this the use of metagenomic approaches led to the discovery of a large array of new genes and enabled the genome sequence of various uncultured microbes from this unique and versatile microbial ecology will grant sustainable conservation and utilization ofuntouched microbial genetic resurce for biotechnological application for human and environmental use.

Keywords: Ecology, existu, extremophile, Microbs, rhizospher, genes

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How to Cite


Birhanu Gizaw. (2018-10-26). "Potential Microbial Ecology in Ethiopia and Exisitue Conservation Effort." *Volume 1*, 4, 8-39