The Added Value of Sport Education is Fair Play

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Hideg Gabriella

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Published: 3 February 2021 | Article Type :


Examining the origins of fair play, we can make two basic statements, which is on the one hand, an  etymological approach, and, on the other hand, it is the concept and evolution of fair play from a historical  perspective. Rapid advances in technology, the expansion of the research world, and the idea of much-emphasized  internationalization have made it possible to examine internationally the meaning of fair play and its  associated moral values and norms. This is an increasingly popular topic, so we can find programs and studies to measure it in the international  literature. In the meantime, the question may arise: why has it become a central topic? Perhaps because of  the increasing sense of moral and value loss in societies? Actually, where does the fair play phenomenon  come from and what exactly does it mean? Our study is a niche one, as it provides a unique overview of the approaches to fair play, its historical  development, and the research available in this area, based on the vast majority of international literature  available. The results of the research presented suggest that on the one hand not all sport types can be lumped together,  they have their own set of rules and regulations, but it can be said that there are generally recognized sports  moral values. On the other hand, sportsmanlike behaviour can be taught, and the factors that influence it  are extremely diverse. The primary socialization environment of young people is their family, what they see  and learn affects their personality. It is “easier” for participants in the education system and for coaches, if  students bring positive values and set of norms from home.

Keywords: fair play, values, history, modern values, international studies of fair play.

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How to Cite


Hideg Gabriella. (2021-02-03). "The Added Value of Sport Education is Fair Play." *Volume 3*, 1, 8-18