Curing Socio-Economic ILLS in Obudu Local Government Area: An Assessment of Non-Governmental Agencies Activities
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Published: 13 June 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The study objective is to assess the activities of Non-governmental Agencies in curing the Socio-economic ills of Obudu Local Government Area of Cross river State, Nigeria. The study specifically examine the relationship between NGOs involvement in education, capacity development and the socio-economic development of the people. The ex-post factor research design was adopted in the process of collecting data from 400 respondents from Obudu Local government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria, using the random sampling technique. The instrument of data collection is the questionnaire. Data collected from the field was analyzed using Independent T-Test. Results revealed that NGOs involvement in education of the rural people exerts significant effects on the socio-economic development of the rural communities and that NGOs involvement in capacity building/training exerts significant effect on the overall improved standard of living of the rural people. The study thereby recommends that the federal, State and local governments should provide a conducive environment for NGOs to operate in rural communities as their presence will likely bring the development of the society amongst others.
Keywords: Non-governmental Organization, Socio-economic ills, Education, Capacity building

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How to Cite
Ojong, M.U, Iji, M.E., Angioha, P.U. (2019-06-13). "Curing Socio-Economic ILLS in Obudu Local Government Area: An Assessment of Non-Governmental Agencies Activities." *Volume 1*, 2, 38-45