The Multiplicity of Law Enforcement Agencies and the State of Law and Orderin Nigeria: A Case of too many Cooks?
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Published: 10 May 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Efficient law enforcement depends on the quality and outlook of the institutions and personnel saddled with this responsibility. There are several agencies in Nigeria created for the purpose of law enforcement. Despite the multiplicity of these agencies, however, the country is still far from being a reflection of a society where security and orderliness are being maintained. The essence of this paper is to explore the law-enforcement terrain of the country with a view to ascertaining the state of affairs vis-a-vis the existing law enforcement agencies, their functional relevance, and general impact on the society in terms of maintenance of law and order. Findings reveal that the state of security and maintenance of law and order is still abysmally low in spite of the fact that there exist several law enforcement agencies within the country. The main recommendation is that instead of placing emphasis on creating more and more law enforcement agencies, which sometimes amount to duplication of functions, efforts should be made to reorganize, streamline and strengthen the existing institutions.
Keywords: Law enforcement, Inter-agency collaboration, insecurity, human rights abuse.

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How to Cite
Odum, Mbanefo. (2019-05-10). "The Multiplicity of Law Enforcement Agencies and the State of Law and Orderin Nigeria: A Case of too many Cooks?." *Volume 1*, 2, 20-31