A Reconciliation of Personhood: Addressing the Panhandling Problem by Restoring Opportunities through Community Development
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Published: 15 February 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Public discourse regarding the panhandling problem is largely dominated by the anti-panhandling philosophies of middle-class Americans who perceive the problem as a violation of traditional street civility, work ethic, and public safety. This paper argues from the perspective of panhandlers and claims that the panhandling problem challenges traditional middle class assumptions about social responsibility, individual liberty, and work ethic by placing these values in direct confrontation with factors that bar panhandlers from opportunities for social inclusion, including systemic economic suppression, unequal opportunity, and cyclical poverty. In response, this paper proposes a residential program model that provides individuals experiencing poverty with an intentional living community grounded in fellowship, goal-setting, wraparound support, and individualized professional development to restore employment opportunities and empower residents through their transition from poverty to economic self-sufficiency. The program is designed to succeed in smaller municipalities where social services, employment opportunities, and policy influences are closely entwined in an intimate network. Social workers can benefit from this research by adopting this program model in their work with individuals, groups, and communities so as to enhance the educational, employment, and community development opportunities for persons in poverty and to bridge the divide between the middle class and panhandlers. Further research needs to be conducted on how physical and cognitive disability, mental illness, and criminal history limit employment opportunities for panhandlers. Nonetheless, this paper presents a fresh perspective on the panhandling problem and encourages a paradigmatic shift in the way municipalities assess and address the panhandling problem.

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How to Cite
Thomas F. Heavren. (2019-02-15). "A Reconciliation of Personhood: Addressing the Panhandling Problem by Restoring Opportunities through Community Development." *Volume 1*, 1, 29-48