An Analysis of Russian Political Communication after Islamic Awakening; Case Study: Iran and Saudi Arabia
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Published: 1 October 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Russia has taken new approaches to this sensitive area since 2011, considering the first whispers of the birth of the new regional order in the Middle East. There are approaches that demonstrate the regaining of Moscow's role in the region.The new Middle East, however, is fundamentally different from the past and has new complexities. The countries of the region today have more independence and interconnectedness of different areas has led to the formation of nesting and complex fronts. Fronts that each require specific patterns of relationships among actors. These complexities have led to the emergence of an empirical balancing practice from Moscow towards the countries of the region. Behavior based on certain approaches based on statements such as direct military intervention, the fight against terrorism, and the formation of anti-Western alliances and the pursuit of international energy strategies. The main components of Russia's equilibrium behavior in the Middle East can be emphasized on functional dimensions, play with all state actors, division of labor without conflict and interaction with non-state actors. This approach to the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia, as two important regional players with interests that are sometimes counter-contradictory, has been applied and has brought good and balanced relations between Moscow and Tehran and Riyadh.
Keywords: Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Balanced Behavior.

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How to Cite
Younes Forouzan, Abdolreza Alishahi, Hamid Soleimani Souchelmaei. (2019-10-01). "An Analysis of Russian Political Communication after Islamic Awakening; Case Study: Iran and Saudi Arabia." *Volume 1*, 3, 31-39