The Palestinian Issue in Egyptian Foreign Policy; Mubarak and Sisi's Approaches to the Occupied Territories

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Abdolreza Alishahi

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Published: 7 October 2020 | Article Type :


The issue of Palestine is one of the most challenging issues in Egypt's foreign policy, the importance of which has varied depending on domestic and foreign factors in its foreign policy. In general, Egypt's foreign policy behavior in the Palestinian-Israeli issue, on the one hand, is due to changes in the external environment, especially the role of the United States and Israel, and on the other hand influenced by internal factors such as the role of leaders and how they perceive their national role. And the role of domestic groups has been Islamist. Using a descriptiveanalytical approach, the study seeks to answer the question of what was the most important factor in shaping Egypt's foreign policy toward Palestine after the Camp David Accords, and specifically with Hosni Mubarak. The paper argues that Egypt's economic and military dependence on the United States, on the one hand, and Egypt's strategic position in ensuring Israel's security, on the other, led to the creation of foreign factors in shaping Egypt's foreign policy after the Camp David Accords. The issue of Palestine should be highlighted.

Keywords: Foreign policy, Palestine issue, Environmental Factors, continuity, Model of foreign policy, International System.

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How to Cite


Abdolreza Alishahi. (2020-10-07). "The Palestinian Issue in Egyptian Foreign Policy; Mubarak and Sisi's Approaches to the Occupied Territories." *Volume 2*, 4, 1-11