Metallic Foreign Body in the Oropharynx of an Eight Year Old Child

Author Details

Sylvain DIEMBI, Gerard Chidrel. NGOUONI, et al.

Journal Details


Published: 29 November 2021 | Article Type :


Foreign bodies of the oropharynx are a common occurrence in children. Their clinical diagnosis and therapeutic management depend on the extent of the lesions, the nature and the path of the metallicforeign body. We report a case of a metallic foreign body penetrating the oropharynx, in an 8-year-old boy, following oropharyn geal trauma. Clinical examination revealed a metallic body, pointedwith a hooked end, 32 cm long, corresponding to a meat or fishskewer. The foreign body was removed endobucally under general anaesthesia.

Keywords: child, metallicforeign body, oropharynx, extraction, evolution.

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How to Cite


Sylvain DIEMBI, Gerard Chidrel. NGOUONI, et al.. (2021-11-29). "Metallic Foreign Body in the Oropharynx of an Eight Year Old Child." *Volume 4*, 1, 21-23