Risk of Falls in Patients with Vestibular Migranean

Author Details

Joara Raiza Fontes Barros Bomfim, Mara Renata Rissatto-Lago, Maria da Gloria Canto de Sousa

Journal Details


Published: 16 July 2020 | Article Type :


Introduction: Migraine is a common and disabling primary headache, which can be associated with vestibular symptoms such as dizziness. This symptom is due to vasoconstriction caused by migraine in areas of the vestibule responsible for balance. When this system is affected, it can generate imbalance and risk of falls.

Objective: To investigate the occurrence of the risk of falls in patients with vestibular migraine.

Methods: Descriptive observational, cross-sectional study, with a convenience sample including individuals of both sexes, diagnosed with migraine and complaints of dizziness, aged between 20 and 59 years. A questionnaire was used to characterize dizziness, and the Berg Balance Scale clinical test to assess the risk of falls, all participants answered.

Results: In the study, 38 participants were included, with a mean age of 40,2 (±11,9) years, of these 33 (86.8%) are female. There was a higher occurrence in the item low risk of falls 36 (94.7%). The most frequent type of dizziness was of the rotational type, with a time between 1 to 10 years and of moderate intensity. Sensation of instability, gait imbalance, pressure on the head, and vision darkening were the most frequent symptoms.

Conclusion: The data from the present study showed that individuals with vestibular migraine have a low risk of falls, however the progression of this risk should not be ignored.

Keywords: Risk of falls; Migraine; Dizziness; Vestibular diseases; Headache.

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How to Cite


Joara Raiza Fontes Barros Bomfim, Mara Renata Rissatto-Lago, Maria da Gloria Canto de Sousa. (2020-07-16). "Risk of Falls in Patients with Vestibular Migranean." *Volume 3*, 2, 9-12