Primary Large B Cell Lymphoma in the Tibia of an Old Individual Relapsing at an Uncommon Location

Author Details

Meir Djaldetti M.D

Journal Details


Published: 24 November 2019 | Article Type :


Involvement of the bones is a rare presentation of diffuse large B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and afects mostly jounger individuals. The tibia, as the initial site of the disease is a rather ucomon target, particularly when it emerges at older age. We present a 94 old individual with large B-cell lymphoma stage IV E that involved the right upper tibia treated by CHOP-R and that relapsed one year later at the right testicle. The rarity of bone invivment, the old age and the unusual site of relaps are disussed.

Keywords: Large B-cell lymphoma, bones, tibia, testicle, CHOP, rituximab, bendamustine.

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How to Cite


Meir Djaldetti M.D. (2019-11-24). "Primary Large B Cell Lymphoma in the Tibia of an Old Individual Relapsing at an Uncommon Location." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-5