Food, Growth and Mortality of Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) from Baluchistan coast, Pakistan

Author Details

Abdul Baset, Qun Liu, Baochao Liao, et al.

Journal Details


Published: 11 February 2020 | Article Type :


The aim of this study was to estimate the growth, mortality and stock assessment of Indian oil sardine, Sardinella longiceps (Valenciennes, 1847, Family: Clupeidae) from Baluchistan coast of Pakistan. Monthly data of length and weight for Sardinella longiceps were measured in 2013. ELEFAN in the software package FiSATII was used to analyze the length frequency data. A total of 3032 individuals (male and female combined) ranging from 9 to 19 cm TL (Total length) (dominant length was 12 cm) and weight ranging from 14 to 73 g were examined. The von Bertalanffy growth parameter were, asymptotic length (L∞) = 19.95 cm, growth coefficient (K) = 1.00 year -1 . The theoretical age at length zero (t0) and the growth performance index (φ’) were calculated as respectively -0.18 year and 2.60. Total mortality (Z) = 2.01 year -1 , natural mortality (M) = 1.96 year-1 , fishing mortality (F) = 0.05 year-1 and exploitation ratio (E) = 0.02 were estimated respectively. The exploitation ratio (0.02) indicated that S. longiceps stock was exploited at managed.

Keywords: Indian oil sardine, Growth, Mortality, FiSAT, Pakistan.

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How to Cite


Abdul Baset, Qun Liu, Baochao Liao, et al.. (2020-02-11). "Food, Growth and Mortality of Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) from Baluchistan coast, Pakistan." *Volume 3*, 1, 20-27