Effects of Endohelminthson Condition of Oreochromis Niloticus Baringoensis (Trewavas, 1983) At River Molo Inlet in Lake Baringo, Kenya

Author Details

Chebon Brian T, Matolla G.K

Journal Details


Published: 27 August 2019 | Article Type :


Endohelminths infections in fish cause production and economic losses through direct fish mortality, reduction in growth and condition, reproduction, energy loss, increase in the susceptibility to disease and predation. A study on endohelminths of Oreochromisniloticus baringoensis at the inlet of River Molo in Lake Baringo was conducted between August and December 2015to investigate their effect on condition of the fish. Fishing was done weekly each month. Fish samples were collected and preserved in a cool box, then immediately transported to the laboratory for examination and parasite identification using standard parasitological techniques. Out of 447 fish, 340 were infected with endohelminth parasites of six parasite genera: Contracaecum, Amirthalingamia, Tylodelphys, Apharyngostrigea, Clinostomum and Euclinostomum. The relative condition factor (K n) for the infected and non-infected fish were 1.06 and 1.07 respectively. Only the Contracaecum parasites had significant relationship with fish condition factor (F=13.08, p< 0.0001). Amirthalingamia, Tylodelphys and Euclinostomum were inversely related to the fish condition suggesting they were pathogenic to the host.

Keywords: Oreochromisniloticus baringoensis, endohelminths, Relative condition factor, River Molo inlet, Lake Baringo.

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How to Cite


Chebon Brian T, Matolla G.K. (2019-08-27). "Effects of Endohelminthson Condition of Oreochromis Niloticus Baringoensis (Trewavas, 1983) At River Molo Inlet in Lake Baringo, Kenya." *Volume 2*, 3, 20-24