Assessing Climate Variability in Langtang Valley Using Livelihood Vulnerability Index
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Published: 6 February 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Himalaya of Nepal is highly vulnerable to climate change as well as one of the disaster prone zone in the world. The research regarding livelihood vulnerability of Langtang which is remote settlement within Langtang National Park of central Himalaya of Nepal has not been assessed regarding the impacts of climate change. Tamang are the indigenous communities of Langtang who primarily depend on natural resources for subsistence livelihoods are among the first and most affected due to climate change impacts. This research was objectively carried out to assess the livelihood vulnerability index in response to climate change and trends of climate variables of Langtang. The livelihood vulnerability index (LVI) by Hahn and LVI-IPCC of Langtang Valley were analysed. The study area was categorized on the basis of altitudinal variation as well as on the base of distance from 2015 earthquake induced avalanche impact zone, specifying Lower, Mid and Upper Valley to analyze livelihood Vulnerability Index. Whole enumeration process was applied as only 112 households are remained after the 2015 earthquake. The collected data were analyzed using People’s perception was studied through questionnaire survey while KII and FGD were also conducted. As per finding, the overall LVI of Langtang was 0.334. The Lower Valley Settlements has LVI of 0.352 while Upper Valley Settlements has 0.340. Comparatively Mid Valley Settlements has higher LVI and LVI-IPCC i.e. 0.377 and 0.098 respectively which is also direct impact zone of 2015 earthquake induced avalanche.
Keywords: Climate change, Indigenous Communities, Avalanche, Livelihood Vulnerability Index, Adaptations Practices.

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How to Cite
Abhishesh Nepal, Ram Asheshwar Mandal, Sadhana Pradhananga and Sarina Khanal. (2019-02-06). "Assessing Climate Variability in Langtang Valley Using Livelihood Vulnerability Index." *Volume 2*, 1, 10-15