Important Aspects of Freshwater Crabs

Author Details

Muzaffer Mustafa Harlioglu*, Ardavan Farhadi and Ayse Gul Harlioglu

Journal Details


Published: 2 January 2018 | Article Type :


Freshwater crabs are one of the macro-invertebrate groups that are particularly ecologically important in the inland waters on a global scale. In addition to the ecological significance of freshwater crabs they are also medically important as medical and pharmaceutical materials (i.e. row material in chitin and chitosan production). However, uncooked freshwater crabs are also medically important as a treat for human health in Asia, Africa, and the Neotropics. Furthermore, they are consumed as food and are used as food additive and fertilizer; especially crab processing residues are used as feed additive. Except Eriocheir sinensis, other freshwater crab species are provided only by fishing from natural resources (i.e. river, lake and pond). In recent years, various production methods are employed for the grow-out of E. sinensis. For example, netpens installed in shallow lakes, earthen ponds, paddy fields, and small lakes and reservoirs are the most common systems employed for grow-out. On the other hand, earthen ponds and paddy fields are commonly used for seed rearing of the crab. In conclusion, this review shows that freshwater crabs have potentials as an edible and culture candidate species.

Keywords: freshwater crab; chitin-chitosan; nutrition; food consumption; economy; chemical quality; row material; shell.

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How to Cite


Muzaffer Mustafa Harlioglu*, Ardavan Farhadi and Ayse Gul Harlioglu. (2018-01-02). "Important Aspects of Freshwater Crabs." *Volume 1*, 1, 1-7