Prevention of Infantile Cerebral Palsy & Fetal Demise with Novel Hypoxia Index and FHR Score
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Published: 22 May 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Fetal heart rate (FHR)curve evaluation is changed from visual FHR pattern classification to objective numeric analyses including hypoxia index, FHR score, frequency spectrum, A /B ratio, artificial neural network, etc. Early 3 items are fit update FHR analysis. Hypoxia index covers all 4 FHR patterns, preventing infantile cerebral palsy, FHR score predicts Apgar score and UApH, preventing fetal/neonatal demise, and FHR frequency spectrum detects pathologic sinusoidal FHR and severe fetal anemia preventing feta demise. Numeric FHR analysis isfully objective and suitable to computerized FHR diagnosis, of which diagnosis is totally correct and improves busy works of Obstetricians. Novel hypoxia index, FHR score and frequency spectrum diagnosis are studied.In FHR monitoring in the present report.
Keywords: FHR monitoring. Cerebral palsy, Hypoxia index, FHR score, Apgar score, UApH, Sinusoidal FHR.

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How to Cite
Kazuo Maeda, Masaji Utsu. (2019-05-22). "Prevention of Infantile Cerebral Palsy & Fetal Demise with Novel Hypoxia Index and FHR Score." *Volume 2*, 1, 1-4