Perineal Testicular Ectopia: Case Report and Literature Review

Author Details

Danielle Nunes Forny, Ivonete Siviero, Ivens Baker Meio, Andre Lima da Cunha, Betina Carla Bertrand Simoes

Journal Details


Published: 31 December 2020 | Article Type :


Testicular dystopias are defined by the absence of the testicle in the scrotum. Cryptorchidism is a common presentation in childhood although ectopic testis is very rare. This article reports a case of an inguinal orchidopexy of the ectopic testis on a male patient aged three years and seven months presenting a left testicle located in the perineum.

Keywords: Cryptorchidism, ectopic testis, surgery, child, orchidopexy.

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How to Cite


Danielle Nunes Forny, Ivonete Siviero, Ivens Baker Meio, Andre Lima da Cunha, Betina Carla Bertrand Simoes. (2020-12-31). "Perineal Testicular Ectopia: Case Report and Literature Review." *Volume 3*, 2, 33-35