Epidemiological Profile of 260 Rural Home Births in Ahaly canton of Brobo (Cote D'ivoire)

Author Details

Akaffou AE, Yeboua YKR, Avi C, Aka-Tanoh KA, Yao KC, Azagoh-Kouadio R, N'guessan-Sika R, Akanji IA, Adou LR, Sanogo CS, Coulibaly D, Plo KJ, Asse KV

Journal Details


Published: 28 November 2019 | Article Type :


Background: Home delivery is a common practice in rural areas of Côte d’Ivoire. It increases the risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The objective of the study was to describe the epidemiological profile of home births in Ahaly canton of Brobo.

Methods: This is a descriptive prospective study conducted from March to November 2018 in the locality of Brobo. Included were all newborns aged 8 to 28 days, born in rural areas, at home and whose parents were willing. The variables studied were: the prevalence of home delivery, the socio-demographic characteristics of the mother and the midwife, the course of the pregnancy and the circumstances of the delivery. The data analysis was descriptive.

Results: A total of 750 registered births, 260 of which were delivered at home, or 35%. The mothers had an average age of 26.6 years +/-7.23. 82.5% of them were housewives and 67% were out of school. They had performed at least 4 NOCs in 33% of cases. The midwife was a traditional or matron midwife in 87% and trained in the practice of childbirth in 5%. The reason for home delivery was surprise and habit in 78% of cases. The umbilical cord was severed with a new non-sterile blade in 88% of cases and tied with braided or sewn wire in 93% of cases. The newborn had a good reactivity in 99% of the time and a weight between 2500g and 4000g in 82.3%.

Conclusion: Home delivery is common in rural Brobo and practiced in an unsuitable environment by an unskilled person on illiterate young mothers with low socio-economic conditions for the most part. It is mainly promoted by poor pregnancy monitoring and socio-cultural beliefs. This increases the risk of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality, hence the importance of educating mothers to avoid this practice and deliver in hospital.

Keywords: Epidemiology, Newborn, Home delivery, Rural areas, Côte d’Ivoire.

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Akaffou AE, Yeboua YKR, Avi C, Aka-Tanoh KA, Yao KC, Azagoh-Kouadio R, N'guessan-Sika R, Akanji IA, Adou LR, Sanogo CS, Coulibaly D, Plo KJ, Asse KV. (2019-11-28). "Epidemiological Profile of 260 Rural Home Births in Ahaly canton of Brobo (Cote D'ivoire)." *Volume 2*, 2, 59-69