In Shortly about Cauda Equina Syndrome

Author Details

Sinisa Franjic

Journal Details


Published: 29 January 2020 | Article Type :


Cauda equina syndrome affects a group of nerve roots called Cauda equina (in latin “horse tail“). These nerves are located at the lower end of the spine in the lumbosacral part. They send and receive messages for the legs, feet and pelvis. Trauma, overexertion, violent injuries, and some diseases and conditions result in compression of the roots of these nerves. There is severe lower back pain, loss or change of sensation in the legs, buttocks, difficulty in urinating. Surgical treatment must be performed quickly to prevent permanent damage, such as leg paralysis, bladder and bowel dysfunction, sexual function, or other problems.

Keywords: Cauda equina, Spinal cord, Pathology, Treatment.

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How to Cite


Sinisa Franjic. (2020-01-29). "In Shortly about Cauda Equina Syndrome." *Volume 3*, 1, 21-26