Patient-reported outcomes measures after six months of COVID-19: Impacts on health-related quality of life

Author Details

Maiara Anschau Floriani, Andressa Barreto Glaeser, Isabelle Weschenfelder Zorzo, Marina Bessel, Andriele Abreu Castro, Mohamed Mutlaq Parrini, Luiz Antonio Nasi, Gisele Nader Bastos

Journal Details


Published: 19 May 2021 | Article Type :


Aim: To evaluate health-related quality of life (HRQOL) outcomes after discharge from the perspective of the patient recovered from COVID-19 in Brazil.

Methods: A prospective follow-up was performed during 180 days after hospital discharge in diagnosed patients with COVID-19 (by RT-qPCR) from June to September 2020. Standard scales were used to measure outcomes through the patient’s perception. Paired analyses were performed for individuals that completed the questionnaire in the corresponding follow-up periods.

Results: 270 patients were admitted to the hospital. Of the total, 236 were followed up after discharge, 10 refused (3.7%) to participate in the program and 24 (8.8%) died during hospitalization. The HRQOL was investigated in 146 patients. We identified a gradual improvement over time after hospital discharge, except for the anxiety/depression domain. Evaluation by domains of mobility, self-care, usual activities and pain frequencies improved in 180 days.

Conclusion: We demonstrate the importance of following up after discharge patients hospitalized by COVID-19, mainly by the psychological effects caused. Prospective follow-up studies will help comprehend the pathogenesis and its long-term impact, providing real-world data that will support decision-making.

Keywords: COVID-19; coronavirus; health-related quality of life; PROMS.

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Maiara Anschau Floriani, Andressa Barreto Glaeser, Isabelle Weschenfelder Zorzo, Marina Bessel, Andriele Abreu Castro, Mohamed Mutlaq Parrini, Luiz Antonio Nasi, Gisele Nader Bastos. (2021-05-19). "Patient-reported outcomes measures after six months of COVID-19: Impacts on health-related quality of life." *Volume 4*, 1, 14-17