Patient-reported outcomes measures after six months of COVID-19: Impacts on health-related quality of life
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Published: 19 May 2021 | Article Type :Abstract
Aim: To evaluate health-related quality of life (HRQOL) outcomes after discharge from the perspective of the patient recovered from COVID-19 in Brazil.
Methods: A prospective follow-up was performed during 180 days after hospital discharge in diagnosed patients with COVID-19 (by RT-qPCR) from June to September 2020. Standard scales were used to measure outcomes through the patient’s perception. Paired analyses were performed for individuals that completed the questionnaire in the corresponding follow-up periods.
Results: 270 patients were admitted to the hospital. Of the total, 236 were followed up after discharge, 10 refused (3.7%) to participate in the program and 24 (8.8%) died during hospitalization. The HRQOL was investigated in 146 patients. We identified a gradual improvement over time after hospital discharge, except for the anxiety/depression domain. Evaluation by domains of mobility, self-care, usual activities and pain frequencies improved in 180 days.
Conclusion: We demonstrate the importance of following up after discharge patients hospitalized by COVID-19, mainly by the psychological effects caused. Prospective follow-up studies will help comprehend the pathogenesis and its long-term impact, providing real-world data that will support decision-making.
Keywords: COVID-19; coronavirus; health-related quality of life; PROMS.

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Maiara Anschau Floriani, Andressa Barreto Glaeser, Isabelle Weschenfelder Zorzo, Marina Bessel, Andriele Abreu Castro, Mohamed Mutlaq Parrini, Luiz Antonio Nasi, Gisele Nader Bastos. (2021-05-19). "Patient-reported outcomes measures after six months of COVID-19: Impacts on health-related quality of life." *Volume 4*, 1, 14-17