Students' Satisfaction towards a Medical College, Bharatpur
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Published: 18 May 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: Educational service in any medical college is found to be important in determining student’s academic success. It is essential to assess the educational services to determine the contribution to learning outcomes. This study helps to identify student’s satisfaction towards a medical college.
Objective: To identify student’s satisfaction towards a medical college was objective of this study.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional design was used to assess student’s satisfaction towards a medical college. A total of 204 students were selected by using probability stratified proportionate random sampling technique. Data were collected by using structured self-administered questionnaire and data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: Concerning the students’ characteristics, the study reveals that out of 204 students, the age range was 18-26 years with the median age 21 years. About 61.3% of total respondents were female. Respondents were from various academic program such as medical (67.2%), nursing (26.5%) and paramedics (6.4%). Majority of participants were from medical program (MBBS and BDS) and minority were paramedics (BMLT and BMIT). Regarding overall satisfaction, findings revealed that slightly more than half (53.4%) of respondents were satisfied whereas remaining 46.6% of respondents were not satisfied with a medical college. In addition, study showed that the students’ level of satisfaction is influenced by age, sex, academic program and academic year.
Conclusion: Considerable percentage of students is not satisfied regarding educational services; hence college administration needs to address the identified sectors to enhance the satisfaction among the students.
Keywords: satisfaction, medical college, educational services.

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How to Cite
Srijana Ghimire, Jaya Prasad Singh, et al.. (2020-05-18). "Students' Satisfaction towards a Medical College, Bharatpur." *Volume 3*, 1, 8-14