Family Functioning in Families with Pregnant Adolescents

Author Details

Eduardo Mendez-Espinosa, Celina Gomez-Gomez, Hector M. Riquelme-Heras, Jennifer Huerta-Trevino, et al.

Journal Details


Published: 22 March 2019 | Article Type :


Pregnancy in adolescents represents a crisis for their families as it leads to changes in the subsystems, functions and responsibilities in the care of the adolescent’s child. The risk factors associated with adolescent pregnancy can be grouped into three categories: individual, social and family. The objective was determining the degree of family functioning with pregnant adolescents from the point of view of their adaptability and cohesion.It is a descriptive, cross-sectional study, where families with pregnant adolescents belonging to a low socioeconomic level were studied.The family functioning level in this group of adolescents was the medium with a tendency to a balanced level. In relation to the extreme level, a low percentage was found with a predominance of rigidly agglutinated families, concluding that functionality with respect to cohesion and adaptability predominates in this group of families. We consider that pregnancy in these early adolescents activates the mechanism of homeostasis towards a flexible agglutination.

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Eduardo Mendez-Espinosa, Celina Gomez-Gomez, Hector M. Riquelme-Heras, Jennifer Huerta-Trevino, et al.. (2019-03-22). "Family Functioning in Families with Pregnant Adolescents." *Volume 2*, 1, 43-47