Mini Review: Assessment Hypervitaminosis and Hypovitaminosis D during Pregnancy and its Impact on Offspring Outcomes

Author Details

Heba N. Gad El-Hak, Ranwa A. Elrayess

Journal Details


Published: 4 October 2018 | Article Type :


Vitamin D is one of the most important compounds for human health, especially the skeletal and the immunological system. Vitamin D and pregnancy are linked together. Despite the numerous reports of the association on hypovitaminosis D with disease and health disturbance during pregnancy originating in part from the diet and from the transformation by exposure to sunshine. A great deal of the pregnant population suffers from vitamin D deficiency, especially during winter months and suffering from the present of several disorders, including cancer, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, and diabetes. Pregnant mothers should get the recommended suitable amounts of vitamin D during pregnancy for both their own health and their baby development with not increase or decrease. The safety of using higher doses of vitamin D in various clinical settings in pregnancy and their offspring had to be discussed.

Keywords: hypervitaminosis D; hypovitaminosis D; pregnancy; offspring.

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How to Cite


Heba N. Gad El-Hak, Ranwa A. Elrayess. (2018-10-04). "Mini Review: Assessment Hypervitaminosis and Hypovitaminosis D during Pregnancy and its Impact on Offspring Outcomes." *Volume 1*, 2, 17-20