DOACs in Cat

Author Details

Guneet Sarai, MD, Nutan Fnu, MD, FACP

Journal Details


Published: 29 June 2018 | Article Type :


The risk of VTE in patients with malignancy is high when compared to the normal population. This obviously increases morbidity in already sick patients and is a leading secondary cause of mortality. The choice of anticoagulant in these patients ischallenging due tohigh risk of bleeding(presence of GI malignancy and intracranial metastasis), associated co morbidities, current FDA approvals and increased risk of recurrence. Hence In this mini review wewill attempt to discuss the mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics and updated evidence regarding DOACS in treatment of VTE in cancer patients and how it contrasts with the use of LMWH.

Keywords: CAT cancer associated thrombosis, VTE venous thromboembolism, DOAC direct oral anticoagulant, LMWH low molecular weight heparin, VKA vitamin K antagonist.

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How to Cite


Guneet Sarai, MD, Nutan Fnu, MD, FACP. (2018-06-29). "DOACs in Cat." *Volume 1*, 1, 19-23