The Role of E-Library in Traditional Academic Library: A Case Study of Selected University Libraries in Nigeria

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Dr. Posigha, Bassil E, Dr. Idiedo, Victor O

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Published: 20 November 2020 | Article Type :


Thus, the difference in the mode of access and the format of the resources, etc has led to the question regarding the role and functions of an e-library in academic libraries. As a result, there is must more to know, whether elibraries that are established as part of the traditional academic libraries have a different role other than complementing the roles of the traditional libraries. It is against this background that this study aims to ascertain the role, functions, trends, and challenges of e-libraries in the academic libraries in Nigeria. 

Purpose of the Study: The study aimed to ascertain the role of an e-library in academic libraries in Nigeria. The main objectives of the study are, to establish the role of e-library, determine the functions, trend, and challenges of e-libraries in academic libraries in Nigeria. Four research questions guided the study. 

Scope and Limitation of the Study: The population of the study comprises librarians working in academic libraries and the department of library and information science. 

Methodology: The study adopted descriptive research design. A questionnaire method was employed to elicit data for the study. The sample sizes of 133 librarians were randomly selected from the various academic institutions in Southern Nigeria and the federal capital of Nigeria, Abuja.

Result: The study established that e-libraries attached to academic libraries play a complementary role in the traditional academic libraries, performed three specific functions, such as education, research, and informative. The study also established that the development of e-libraries is in the average stage.The study also revealed poor funding, inadequate subscription, lack of infrastructure, etc as challenges militating against the development of e-libraries in academic institutions in Nigeria. 

Conclusion: E-libraries are fundamental to education particularly in our ICT driven educational system. The e-libraries in traditional academic libraries play a complementary role in the traditional academic libraries.

Recommendation: Government and private institutions should from the planning stage make adequate provision, such as infrastructure, skill staff, funds, etc for the functioning of the e-library section of their institutional libraries. 

Keywords: E-libraries; Role of E-libraries; Functions of E-libraries; Academic libraries; Traditional libraries.

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How to Cite


Dr. Posigha, Bassil E, Dr. Idiedo, Victor O. (2020-11-20). "The Role of E-Library in Traditional Academic Library: A Case Study of Selected University Libraries in Nigeria." *Volume 4*, 4, 12-17