Perceptions and Attitudes Affecting Choice of Law Librarianship as a Career: A study of Law Students in three Universities in South-East Nigeria

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Clement Chukwuma Okeji

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Published: 13 July 2020 | Article Type :


The choice of career in any field involves decision-making about the profession. It is one of the most important decisions in the life of the individual. It is against this background that the study on perceptions and attitudes affecting choice of law librarianship as a career among law students was undertaken, as Onoyeyan and Ajayi (2015) affirm that law students view law librarianship with apathy and do not like to pick law librarianship as a career choice.

Purpose of the Study: To determine the perceptions and attitudes affecting choice of law librarianship as a career among law students in universities in South-East Nigeria. 

Scope and Limitations of the Study: The study was limited to three universities in South-East Nigeria, namely, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University and Madonna University. 

Methodology: The research design adopted for the study was descriptive survey. The study involved final year law students of 2019/2020 academic session, totaling 410. Enumerating sampling method was employed. Self-structured questionnaire was distributed to the students and the return rate was 400. Data was analyzed using frequency and percentages. 

Result: The study showed that the students were unaware of the fact that law librarianship is a career. Their attitudes to law librarianship were that of disinterestedness about the profession. 

Conclusion: The study concluded by calling librarians to take it upon themselves to portray law librarianship profession in a widely acceptable way like other professional disciplines. 

Recommendations: Library associations in the country were advised to organize conferences and workshops for law students in various law faculties in the universities to educate the students about law librarianship, among other recommendations. 

Keywords: Perception, attitude, law librarianship, career choice, law students, law librarian.

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How to Cite


Clement Chukwuma Okeji. (2020-07-13). "Perceptions and Attitudes Affecting Choice of Law Librarianship as a Career: A study of Law Students in three Universities in South-East Nigeria." *Volume 4*, 3, 1-7