Use of Social Networking Sites amongst Undergraduates: A Case Study of Department of Theatre and Film Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria

Author Details

Victor Chuks Nwokedi

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Published: 22 March 2019 | Article Type :


This study examined the Usage Patterns of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) amongst Undergraduate Students of Department of Theater and Film Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, Nigeria. The study was guided by nine objectives. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The target population was all the 348 First year Students in the Department of Theater and Film Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos. Since, the population (348) was manageable; there was no need for sampling. Hence, all the students were adopted in the research. The research instrument adopted was questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and means. The findings of the study revealed among others that: the students of Department of Theater and Film Arts make use of SNSs; they used Mobile Phones to access the SNSs; their preferred access point for using the sites were hostels and lecture halls in that order; most of the students admitted to be a member of at least one SNS. However, their main purposes for using the SNSs were to maintaining social contacts with friends/relatives and for academic purposes. Nevertheless, their preferred SNSs were Facebook and WhatSapp in that order; they also admitted that the main benefits of SNSs could be expressed in Social Activities, Academic Exercises, Information Dissemination and Business Activities. However, it was recommended among others that: University of Jos Management should organize seminars, conferences and workshops on the benefits of using SNSs for academic purposes. However, the negative aspects or the dangers associated with the use of the SNSs and ways to avoid them should also be highlighted. The research therefore, concludes that the undergraduate students of Department of Theater and Film Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, use SNSs. No doubt the use of SNSs have some educational benefits, there is a need to educate students about the ways of using SNSs and the perils associated with it, to help them understand that though very much in trend, they should be used cautiously.

Keywords: Social, Networking, Sites, Use, Students, University, Jos, Nigeria.

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How to Cite


Victor Chuks Nwokedi. (2019-03-22). "Use of Social Networking Sites amongst Undergraduates: A Case Study of Department of Theatre and Film Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria." *Volume 3*, 1, 21-31