The Art of Islamic Architecture during the Safavid Period and the Introduction of the Teachings of Islam
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Published: 14 September 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
Islam played an important role in the development and progress of most arts in different periods, especially during the Safavid period in Iran. During the Safavid period, the arts, paintings, lines, gilding, carpet weaving, cloth, tiling, etc. reached the peak of their evolution, which is seen less in the past and subsequent times. The extensive activity of the Safavid era began since Shah Abbas. In Safavid era, the style of ancient architecture of Iran was renewed and in the design of buildings, the shape and materials of buildings opened their place. Most of the buildings in the Safavid period were built like four-edged mosques, schools and caravansaries. The use of mosaic tiles and seven colors for decorations has become widespread. In this paper we try to reveal some ways they use to develop Islamic cultural concepts in architecture field.
Keywords: Architecture, culture, Safavid era, art, Islam

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How to Cite
Ali reza Khajegir, Mohammad reza Afroogh, Ali reza Fahim. (2018-09-14). "The Art of Islamic Architecture during the Safavid Period and the Introduction of the Teachings of Islam." *Volume 1*, 3, 37-42