Masks -Merging the Reality with Magic World-in Select Girish Karnad's Plays
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Published: 16 April 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The mask has been an impersonation of the theatre, its chronological function can be traced to its, traditional development as a variety of conventions for the projection of action. The mask functions as a, more lasting element, since its form is corporeal. Mask is a covering for the face, usually of a human or, animal shape. Masks were designed to fulfil a variety of functions in different societies. Bharata mentions, masks as pratishirsha in his Natyasastra, and that different masks are to be used for gods and men, according to their habitation, birth, and age., The masks represent the spirit by whom the dancer seeks to be possessed, whereas, in the western theatre, there has been a contrast between the face and the mask - the real inner person and the exterior that one, presents or wishes to present to the world outside. Besides, a mask can create a fantasy and bizarre world., Role-playing and disguise are alternatives to mask. These functions of the masks are further explored in, detail in select plays of Girish Karnad’s plays in this paper.,
Keywords: masks, role playing, disguise, fantasy, Girish Karnad’s plays

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How to Cite
Dr. T. Asha Priya. (2018-04-16). "Masks -Merging the Reality with Magic World-in Select Girish Karnad's Plays." *Volume 1*, 2, 1-7