Anglo-Arabic Influence and the African Sacred: Implications for Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in Africa
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Published: 3 January 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The sacred has always been a unifying force in the history of the theatre especially during classical and, medieval periods. Within the African region, the sacred was also a stabilising force in the traditional, societies and their theatres before modern and contemporary African societies witnessed the bastardization, and destruction of the African sacred by Anglo-Arabic cultures. The problem of this study therefore, is, religious conflict generated by erosion of the African sacred by Anglo-Arabic cultures. The paper therefore, aims at finding solution to religious absolutism in Africa, with the objectives of ridding Africa of numerous, religious based conflicts through restoration of the sacredness of the African sacred. The study questioned, imposition of foreign religions and their threats to peaceful co-existence in the face of the facetious religions, of the Anglo-Arabic worlds that cause vilification of one another and the use of force as a sacred arm of, evangelism. Consequently, the researcher examined the impact of Anglo-Arabic cultures in Kalu Uka’s, Ikhamma and Femi Osofisan’s Once Upon Four Robbers selected as paradigms. Case study and content, analysis approaches of the qualitative research method were adopted for data collection and analysis. The, study concluded that Anglo-Arabic cultures despite their advantages destroyed the African sacred and, consequently led to religious based conflicts in Africa. Therefore the study recommends clear understanding, of these issues for peaceful resolution of religious based conflicts in Africa.,
Keywords: Anglo-Arabic, Conflict, Africa, Influence, Religion, Resolution, Sacred

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How to Cite
Canice Chukwuma Nwosu, Okolie Emmanuel. (2018-01-03). "Anglo-Arabic Influence and the African Sacred: Implications for Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in Africa." *Volume 1*, 1, 1-10