Manganese Schiff Base Complexes and their Biological Catalytic Applications

Author Details

Chandana Sarma, Shashi Lata Bharati and Pankaj Kumar Chaurasia

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Published: 27 March 2020 | Article Type :


Schiff bases are the compounds formed by the reaction between amines and carbonyl compounds. They are them self very important compounds of biological significances. They are also known due to their properties to form complexes with transitions metals. Manganese Schiff Base complexes are one of the important complexes having several catalytic activities. They work as catalysts in several organic reactions like transformation reactions, oxidation reaction, hydroxylation, epoxide formations etc. Also, they have significant applications in the field of biological chemistry. This short review selectively deals discussion on recent works on synthesis of manganese Schiff base complexes and their biological applications.

Keywords: Manganese, Schiff base, Biological application, Catalysts, Transition metals.

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How to Cite


Chandana Sarma, Shashi Lata Bharati and Pankaj Kumar Chaurasia. (2020-03-27). "Manganese Schiff Base Complexes and their Biological Catalytic Applications." *Volume 4*, 1, 39-43