Markets and Marketing of African Locust Bean (Parkiabiglobosa Benth.) in Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Author Details

Rotowa Odunayo James

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Published: 14 February 2020 | Article Type :


The study was conducted to analyze marketing activities of Parkia biglobosa in Keffi and Lafia Local Government Areas of Nasarawa state with the aim of assessing the structure of parkia marketing system, Identifying the marketing channels for parkia, determining the marketing efficiency and to Identify the constraints to Parkia biglobosa in the study areas,The data was collected using structured questionnaire from a sampling of 60 wholesalers. Data analysis was done using marketing efficiency ratio, market concentration ratio and simple descriptive statistic analysis. Result of all respondents showed that 51.66% of the farmers sell their produce as wholesalers to retailer. The Parkia marketing in the study areas have (4) channels with the principal route of 8.52 the wholesalers marketing cost are the same (N610) per 100kg bag in channel 1 and 3. However 50.0% of the wholesalers were affected by problem of poor transport network faced with other constraints like lack of good storage facility, therefore, provision of roads, storage facilities will go a long way in improving the market structure and the income of the farmers.Furthermore, adequate storage facilities should be provided to aid the production of perkia by the producers.

Keywords: Parkia biglobosa, Market strcuture, constraints,Marketing efficiency ratio and Marketing chanels.

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How to Cite


Rotowa Odunayo James. (2020-02-14). "Markets and Marketing of African Locust Bean (Parkiabiglobosa Benth.) in Nasarawa State, Nigeria." *Volume 4*, 1, 17-25