Control of Parasitic Infestation by Different Manage mental Strategies

Author Details

Arun Kumar Jhirwal, Vikramjit Singh, Poonam Choudhary

Journal Details


Published: 16 September 2020 | Article Type :


Grazing livestock are prone to parasitic infections due to a variety of geo-climatic conditions and various methods adopted for the livestock rearing in the country, which lead to severe economic losses to livestock industry. Therefore it is a burdensome task to control internal parasites in grazing livestock. Parasites are major cause of hindrance in animal production, as they ruin the production in addition to animal health status. GIT parasites are ubiquitous parasites of grazing animals, which are causes decrease in production, reproduction performance and many of other health issues. As Gastrointestinal parasites reduces feed intake and feed utilization efficiency and increase protein loss in affected animal. Animal as host might provide favorable environment to develop a parasite by offering resource rich habitats to a parasite. This review article is focused on how different management strategies hamperes parasitic infections in an effective way by means of enhancing immunity of an animal.

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How to Cite


Arun Kumar Jhirwal, Vikramjit Singh, Poonam Choudhary. (2020-09-16). "Control of Parasitic Infestation by Different Manage mental Strategies." *Volume 4*, 3, 31-33