Technical Versus Jargon in Anatomic Veterinary Nomenclature

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Published: 21 August 2020 | Article Type :


Being a type of scientific nomenclature, anatomy terms must be clear, precise, logical, coherent and accepted worldwide. Therefore, astandardized veterinary anatomical nomenclaturehasnot only recognised internationally but also came highly recommended and must bringto the attention of not only teachers, students and researchers, but also to clinicians, translators, editors and publishers for use throughout their activities. Although a standard veterinary anatomical nomenclature exists, e.g.NominaAnatomicaVeterinaria,it is not always followed or well known by everyone within the profession. Additionally, casual or jargon terms are commonly used, and that is in addition to differing languages being utilised. This manuscript discusses some of the examples derived from the mix of technical versus jargon anatomical veterinary words,makesrecommendations regardingthe use of jargon or technical words according each situation and highlights some of the complexities involved in structuring and maintaining anatomical nomenclature.

Keywords: Anatomical nomenclature; Clinical anatomy; NominaAnatomicaVeterinaria.

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How to Cite


Pares-Casanova. (2020-08-21). "Technical Versus Jargon in Anatomic Veterinary Nomenclature." *Volume 4*, 3, 16-20