Effect of Parity Order on Body Weight and Body Condition Score of Baggara Cattle under Traditional System in West Kordofan State, Sudan

Author Details

Huda, H.A. Bashir and I. Bushara

Journal Details


Published: 9 July 2019 | Article Type :


This study was conducted to evaluate parity order on body weight and body condition score change pre and post- calving of Baggara cattle in West Kordofan State, Sudan. Forty eight cows were selected from the herd of Baggara cattle. The cows were raised on natural grazing, weighed and divided into four groups A, B, C and D, comprising of (12) cows per group according to parity order, first, second, third and fourth parity in complete randomized design. Data were analyzed by using F test for analysis of variance procedures and Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) for mean separation. The results revealed that parity order significantly (p<0.05) affected body weight at pre- calving, calving and weaning, where group D had maintained significantly (p<0.05) a heavier body weight as (295.33, 291.17 and 324.80 kg) compared with group A (277.17, 281.00 and 309 kg), B (288.83, 285.83 and 313.70 kg) and C (294.08, 289.33 and 322.30 kg. Also parity order affected (p<0.05) significantly body condition score at pre- calving, calving and weaning. However, group D had scored higher scale of body condition compared with other groups. In conclusion, Baggara cows that depended on natural grazing showed high body weight lost during lactation and minimizing the negative energy balance effects by mobilization of body fat during early lactation.

Keywords: Baggara cattle, body weight, body condition score, parity order, Sudan.

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How to Cite


Huda, H.A. Bashir and I. Bushara. (2019-07-09). "Effect of Parity Order on Body Weight and Body Condition Score of Baggara Cattle under Traditional System in West Kordofan State, Sudan." *Volume 3*, 3, 1-8