Microbial Spectrum on Public Toilet Seats

Author Details

Ofonime M. Ogba, Obio M. Obio

Journal Details


Published: 29 March 2018 | Article Type :


Public toilet facilities are integrated into the public health departments of Government Ministry. They are major sources of microbial transmission and a hidden source of infection when not cleaned routinely. This study was done to determine the microbial profile on public toilet seats in Calabar metropolis. Samples were obtained from beer parlor, hotels, communal compounds, schools, hostels, offices, hospitals and eateries in Calabar. The toilet seats were swabbed with sterile swab sticks moistened with normal saline. The samples were obtained immediately after washing and inoculated on appropriate media which were incubated at 37°C aerobically for 24 – 48 hours. Isolates were identified by macroscopy, microscopy, biochemical and physiological tests. Out of the 151 samples examined, Escherichia coli 70(46.4%) was the most prevalent isolate followed by Salmonella species 45(29.8%) while Staphylococcus aureus 15(9.9%) was the least encountered isolate. Most of the samples and isolates were from hostels 41(44.0%). The susceptibility profile of the isolates to commonly used antibiotics ranged between 60.0% to 100%. Salmonella species were not susceptible to Fortum but most susceptible to gentamicin (100%). This study demonstrates that public toilet seats that have been washed still harbour high number of bacterial organisms and may serve as a potential source of infections.

Keywords: Public toilet seats, bacterial profile, contamination.

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How to Cite


Ofonime M. Ogba, Obio M. Obio. (2018-03-29). "Microbial Spectrum on Public Toilet Seats." *Volume 1*, 1, 58-62